Jeg har fått et par hint om at noen få, noen flere eller veldig mange ikke var i nærheten av å skjønne at dette innlegget var et 100% selvkomponert, ironisk sprøyt av et brev, inspirert av alle google-oversatte massespam-tiggerbrev man blir utsatt for via alle mulige kanaler på nettet. Carol finnes ikke, ei heller bussen med tyve barn uten armer, ben eller øyne. De aller fleste skjønte det nok, men kanskje ikke du? Send en kommentar i bunnen av innlegget, og test om jeg er mann nok til å skjønne om DU er ironisk eller ikke!
SincerelySister Carol Sucka Ndswall Owever Ytime
I hope you have a nice time at home in your beautiful country. Please, please read, it is very important. I appreciate the help you gave me last time, and hoping you helping me again. I have currently on an important journey in Africa with good friends of mine who is a priest. I was educating nurse, but is currently unemployed in Africa. I now involved in this project meaning much to me. We conducting this project to help children who have lost their arms, legs and eyes, but now we have big trouble. Read this please, it is very important. When we travelled to Africa with a bus with kids without arms, legs or eyes - and their parents, there were a herd of elephants attacking us. The bus driver got scared and tried to escape, but were eaten by lions. Now he is dead. It is so cruel - dear God! Please read, it is very important. Some of the parents were also eaten by lions. In fact all the parents were brutally slaughtered by the lions. None of them survived the massacre. Not my parents either. They are dead now, I have become an orphan. God bless my lovely parents, the animals still eating them. It so terrible! Fortunately, the kids had not able to leave the bus, because they do not have arms, legs or eyes. Now we do not have a bus driver any longer and I do not know what to do. Please read, it is very important. I not remember where we gone or where should go. The priest is drunk all the time and leaving us this morning. I am now alone in the bush with twenty kids without arms, legs and eyes. They can not eat or go to toilet, they have no arms, legs or eyes. I really need your help. Please, it is very important. I am so grateful if you could give me your money. I will bring the kids to my aunt and uncle in India, they love kids without arms, legs and eyes. We will travel by a special plane, constructed especially for kids without arms, legs or eyes, by some Indian monks. This plane cost lots and the monks waiting for money right now. Please help, it is very important. I been very grateful if you sending me numbers of your visa cards, expiry dates and personal information to get your money. Please, it is very important. You do not have to give me all of your money, 100 000 euro making me very happy for a start. Please, it is very important. I appreciate very much! Give me your money and pray for the kids, so they can get their arms, legs and eyes back. Please, this is very very important.
God bless you, my dear friend!
Hope you find money very soon or the busdriver will haunt you! Love S. Atan
SvarSlettThank you, I will wait for your visanumber, my friend! God bless you - Love Carol Suckandwalloweverytime