lørdag 7. desember 2013

Say hi to my scam friend in Afghanistan!

Vi har vel alle opplevd å få mailer hvor det tilbys sinnsyke summer hvis man bare oppgir navn, telefonnummer og adresse. Alle disse historiene er selvfølgelig surr og rør fra ende til annen, og de aller fleste inneholder info som avslører dem som scam hvis man googler det. Man blir jo dritlei disse folka, og selv om de fleste mailene automatisk går i spambøtta, får man til tider lyst til å oppsøke dem og scambanke dem!

Men etter å ha lest historien om Anders som lurte svindlere trill rundt, og fikk gutta i Nigeria til å bygge olakjerre, fikk jeg selv lyst til å ha det litt gøy. Så da «Maxwell» ville gi meg 40% av 5,5 millioner for å hjelpe ham å snike unna penger funnet i Saddams gjemmested, svarte jeg høflig at jeg selvfølgelig ville hjelpe!

Målet var i hovedsak å holde en mail-korrespondanse i live så lenge som mulig, med en mulig bonus som feks å få fyren til å synge inn noen strofer av "Her kommer Ole Blum". «Sersjant Maxwell» var veldig ivrig i starten, men jeg nådde ikke så langt som ønsket, og fikk til slutt følgende beskjed: «Get lost you fool. I would have shot you dead if you would be near me». Og så vi som hadde det så hyggelig Max!

Hans første mail er en typisk modell vi alle har sett før:


I am Sgt Maxwell Villarreal of the US Army base in Afghanistan for peace keeping.I found your contact detail in a address journal am seeking your assistance to evacuate the sum of $5,500,000.00 to you as long as I am assured that it will be safe in your care until I complete my service here in Afghanistan.

This is not a stolen money and there are no dangers involved. I count on your

Kindly get back to me through my personal email: maxvallareal@gmail.com for further details and also i need your full name,age and telephone number.


Dette var jo spennende! Også så sykt mye penger da gitt - dette må jeg bare bli med på! Men jeg kan ikke bare si ja sånn uten videre, og uten noen betingelser. Derfor vil jeg gjerne at Maxwell skal hjelpe meg litt i forbindelse med mitt regnskogprosjekt «Syngforskogen».

“Hi Maxwell!

As you probably know already, I’m in the music business, and have been for almost twenty years now. The last five years I’ve been working on some very valuable projects, so I can now afford to let some of my dreams come true and get involved in projects that will gain my personal interests: to save the rainforest. I have been looking for a partner for a year now, but unfortunately the people around me are to busy, and the most of them can't afford quit their day jobs. Only a brother of mine, who works as a technician in our studio in Oslo, are willing to join me.

And there you are! Appreciated!

To the case: I am working with a project for the Amazonas rainforest. The project is called «Syng for skogen» which means «Sing for the forest». We are planning to bring our mobile music studio to Brazil, and make the natives do some backing vocals. The idea is to let them sing the song «Her kommer Ole Blom» a Norwegian traditional song about the beauty of the nature, and we want the natives or residents to perform the song in Norwegian - just to emphasize the distance between their world and ours.

Despite the Norwegian language of the song, the project is planned to go worldwide, and we are hoping to involve several countries from Africa, South America, Asia and Europe. This project is going to be huge, and the web page «Syngforskogen.com» will be up running January 2014, after registering the company. And of course, after we have established the project, and started promoting a company working for maintaining and sustain our planet, there will be a lot of willingness around us, which again will generate money - and a need for a whole several numbers of bank accounts.

We have been working a year with this project, and are soon ready to push the «go»button. After this is up running, there will of course be a lot of different ways to evacuate and «hide» your money, but first of all I need to know if you like the idea of this, and if you think this is something you would like to take part of. I'm not gonna ask for much, but this will be a favor for favor, right?

Think about it and e-mail me when you have made your decision! Then I will send more info about myself!

Btw: I am 38 years old, married and father of two.

Please answer the address in this e-mail: syngforskogen@gmail.com, so I can organize all my contacts in the project from here.

Looking forward to hear from you!



Og jaggu beit han på gitt! Deilig å vite at jeg allerede har okkupert flere timer av dagen hans, foran en svett pc med Windows 98 og et gulbrunt tastatur fra forrige århundre! Nå når han endelig har fått napp fra en lettlurt nordmann, er det vel greit å utbrodere historien litt, og forklare hvor de $ 5,5 millionene kommer fra. Og allerede i hans mail nr. 2 – som kom dagen etter, drister han seg til å liste opp hva slags info han ønsker fra meg. «Syngforskogen»-prosjektet får ikke mye oppmerksomhet, men han har i hvert fall forstått at han må spille med hvis han skal få meg med videre.

“Hello Ronald,

I am Maxwell Villarreal a US Army serving in the 3rd Infantry Division in Iraq,presently in Afghanistan.In 2003, my men and I found over $900 million in Saddam Husein's hideout in Baghdad, we sent some back to the Iraq government after counting it in a classified location, but we also kept some behind for ourselves. Some of the money we shared among ourselves worth over $200 million, I kept my own share for a while in a secured place before moving out the funds out of Iraq through the help of United Nation diplomats to Republic of Ghana for safe keeping.

I do not know for how long I will remain here as I have been lucky to survive 3 suicide bomb attacks by Afghanistan Militant; i know this was Pure Divine intervention from God.

I need someone I can trust, since i have already lost a box of gold to someone that said he will help me, i need your assurance and trust as I won't like to make the same mistake. The total amount of money is $5,500,000.00,this money i am ready to entrust in your care until i resign from the services and meet with you in your house for subsequent sharing and investment projects.
I am interested in this project as you highlighted in your email will like you to throw more lights on the project,kindly provide the followings to enable me forward your details to introduced you to the company.
(1) Full Names;
(2) Contact Address:
(3) Direct Telephone No:
(4) Occupation:
(5) Age and Marital Status:

As soon i received all required details, i will then provide you with the companies contact details to enable you contact them for further discussions,you will receive 40% of the money, all you need to do is discuss and seek mode of transfer from them as i will send your full details to them for onward process.Please make sure you check your email all the time because we don't have much time on this,i will be in Iraq for a mission and hope to speak to you once i have your number and all the required details from you.


Dæven Maxegutten – skal si det går unna der nede, med selvmordsombere og greier! Du må være forsiktig med deg selv nå da! Men var det ikke litt tidlig å mase om adresser og alle disse detaljene? Hm… får se om jeg klarer å holde deg i gang litt til.

Adressen til vårt tidligere musikkstudio burde funke. Googler han det, får han bekreftet at det er ekte, men firmaet eksisterer ikke lenger, så jeg så ingen fare ved å gi ham adressen vi brukte frem til vi la ned selskapet. Jeg vil også få frem at jeg er en opptatt mann selv, og forsikre meg om at han ikke lurer meg. Jeg har tross alt annet å finne på enn å bruke tid på å bli lurt! J

“Hello again Maxwell!

As the director of the Norwegian sound studio Imperial Sound, I am a very busy man, with a lot of projects going on. So I need you to be honest about this and don't waste my time. As I told you - sure I can help you, but you also have to give me a hand in return. Can I trust you in this?

I would be happy if you could help me find anyone in Afghanistan able to sing a few lines of my song, so we can be able to decide where to start our project. Maybe Afghanistan is a good place to start, and then we can move on to South America and Africa after that. You don't have to worry about providing us any kind of contacts in the music- business, I guess that will be hard to find down there anyway. As I told you we are planning to bring our mobile studio, installed in our 90 feet Hymer camper 2012 mod. Only thing you have to provide us, is some persons willing to visit our studio, and do the backing vocals for the «syngforskogen» project.

Of course I am a little concerned about driving into a war zone with a vehicle like this, because the insurance doesn't cover damages in areas where the political situations are unstable. Anyway - its not like this is going to happen tomorrow, we have a lot to plan before we can get going. And when we are coming, I hope you can help us find a safe place to stay thru the project.

Btw: because of a large amount of ongoing tasks and projects, some of my emails might be answered by my secretary Edvard, and he will also be the one answering the phone when I'm in the studio.

The adress of the studio is:

Imperial Sound
Risøyveien 7
3290 Stavern

Soon as you can promise me some singing Afghanistan residents, I will provide you all the info you ask for.

Have a nice day!

Ronald Kern

Director, producer and manager
Imperial Sound
Risøyveien 7
3290 Stavern”

Og nå ble det veldig viktig for Max å understreke for en ordentlig kar han er – ja han ble faktisk en smule kristen og greier! (som om det skulle funke på meg!) Han fikk litt noja da jeg begynte å prate om å ta meg en tur til Afghanistan, og han er heller ikke veldig interessert i å kontakte noen av innbyggerne der. En fredsbevarende soldat som ikke snakker med lokalbefolkningen?? Bevare meg vel Max! Uansett, han vil gjerne at jeg tar ham med i bønnene mine (hæ??), men nå trenger han virkelig å få de opplysningene!

“Hello Ronald,

Thank you for your prompt response to my emails to you and i am assuring you of my 100% trust  and assurance in this transaction.I want you to understand that my life is in danger as I might come out alive or dead base on situations on ground but i am always in prayers for God to see me through till the end of my services here,so i am trusting you and  believing God to come out alive,i have strong faith and have always remain stable,i have faced deaths several occasions,lost many of my service men working with me from insurgent attack but i know that the good Lord who has been guiding and protecting me will see me through till am done here.

Please Mr.Ronald,I cannot assure you of talking to the locals here as regards your music project and i will advice you not to take such risk of thinking of this part of the world,Afghanistan is a God forsaken country and they have no regards for human's life,if there is any other parts of the world you desire,once i am out from here,i can assure you all my time and services to make this project successful by traveling and making a solid contacts as regards the music project.I hope you will understand my situation and thank you for providing me the company's address and i still need all required details to enable me introduced you to the holding company for onward transfer of the funds.

Thank you once again for your understanding and i wish you the best weekend,do remember me in your prayers while i awaits your urgent response.


Klart jeg forstår situasjonen din Max! Du er jo en ærlig, flink og engasjert soldat i Afghanistan, som er redd for selvmordsbombere. Tøffe tider! Nå drøyde jeg et par dager før jeg svarte ham igjen, for så å begynne å presse ham litt. For hver melding fremover nå er det veldig spennende om han fortsatt svelger historien min. For alt jeg vet kan det hende han har avslørt meg for lenge siden, men ikke helt vet hvordan han skal bli kvitt meg.

“Hi Maxwell!

How was your weekend in Afghanistan? Hope you didn't experience too many awful situations in the war zone! I'm happy for not being down there myself, even though I am seriously considering bringing my studio to Afghanistan after Christmas.

Are you sure you don't know anyone of the locals down there? You don't have to put me in contact with any professional, because as I told you, I just want some local people to do a few lines with backing vocals on the rainforest project. As I said; favor for favor. If you want help, I expect help back, and it's not a big favor I'm asking for.

As I told you in my last mail, the address of our company is:

Imperial Sound
Risøyveien 7
3290 Stavern

I have been in a meeting with my accountant and my bank today, and discussed which accounts I should use for this purpose. Unfortunately they didn't believe in my project, and wouldn't help me on this. My accountant know all about my economy, so the only thing I can do now is to get the «rainforrest»-project up running myself - just to prove to them that I'm gonna make it! My contact in the bank also need some kind of proof to confirm the existence of my project, so you have to help me out here, or else it will be hard for me to conduct your required transfers.

Soon as I am done with the official registrations, and some kind of proof is provided, I will have several new accounts available, and they will not be visible for my accountant. Will be an easy match - I promise!



Nå gikk det faktisk to dager uten at jeg hørte noe mer fra ham, så nå regnet jeg egentlig med at jeg hadde mistet ham. I såfall var det på tide å vise meg mer som et plagsomt mareritt. Han skulle ikke bli kvitt meg så lett!

“Hey Max!

Still alive down there? Been quiet from you the last days - are you ok?


Jeg håper ikke han oppfattet dette som sarkasme. Det ville jo vært trist om jeg såret ham! Det tok et nytt døgn før jeg fikk svar, og det virket som Max fortsatt var innafor! Hurra – mer moro!

“Hello Ronald,

We are on a mission to Iraq and could not respond back to you immediately,i have succeeded in discussing and making contact as requested.Here is the contact of Mr.Abdullah as i have discussed tentatively with him and he is interested,so kindly contact him as follows;

Mr.Abdullah Shakir Mohammed
+964 771 975 1661

I have done my own part,so contact him for more details as regards the project.


Uffda, også jeg som mistenkte deg for å svikte meg, og så har du vært ute og kjempet med soldatvennene dine! Fikk nesten litt dårlig samvittighet nå altså! Men…. hva er dette? Merker jeg en litt kjølig tone her? Og hvem er Abdullah? Du kan da ikke overlate meg til en vilt fremmed nå som vi hadde det så fint! Dette må følges opp!


Who is this guy, and what does he do for living? Can he sing?


Egentlig tror jeg Max nå er drittlei hele greiene, og har bare lyst til å bli kvitt meg. Neste svar jeg fikk:

“Please contact him and discuss in details with him...”

What?? Ingen “Hi” eller “regards”? Hva skjer nå Max? Vil du ikke leke med meg mer? Dette må jeg få klarhet i!

“What do you mean by that? I didn't ask you to provide me a phone number, I am man enough to do that myself!

I wanted you to find some locals who can sing on my project. "Efioffshore"... a random guy from Iraq is not what I asked for! Don't fuck with me now - I thought we had a deal!

I want you to find a man who is able to sing, then I will send you the lyrics and a sound file, in order to learn the «chosen one» how to perform my song. And you will make the proof - as you are recording the singing, and then sending it to me.

My contact in the bank is gonna be impressed by your effort - so will I!

Looking forward to receive the results!
And of course -  a movie with sound is good enough for the "recording" I mentioned. If it's good stuff, I'm gonna take that trip with our studio! :)”

Selvfølgelig er Max nå fullstendig klar over at jeg er en bløff, men det som fortsatt er interessant for meg er hvor lenge jeg klarer å få ham til å svare på mailene mine. Og ganske riktig – nå er ikke tonen noe hyggelig lenger. Og det er ganske morsomt at han faktisk fortsetter å holde på sin egen historie! Hadde jeg vært ham ville jeg bare sagt fuck off for lenge siden :)

Ronald,i think you are not serious and capable of helping me out as you are not a man of your words,you are becoming unbearable with your attitudes,i thought we have a deal but you have proven to be the weaker partner.I told you i cannot and will never discussed but have made all attempt to help you,anyway never mind.I will search for a capable partner whom i can strike a deal as you have proveen unserious man.Bye.. i will contact Mr.Abdullah and told him of your unseriousness...

JEG ikke seriøs?! Makan til utakknemlighet da! Jeg som virkelig var innstilt på å hjelpe deg Max. Nå har du såret meg! Jeg kan ikke gi meg helt på dette altså!


Why do you consider me unserious?? You can't expect me to establish contact with a person I know nothing about! I just wanted to know what kind of person this is, because I have some bad experiences with contacting people before I have learned how to know them first.

So now you're pulling out - before you actually have done anything of what you promised me? I said I needed to show some evidence, because my bank demands me to.  Sending me a random address and phone number doesn't prove anything, and the bank did not accept it.

So what I want you to do is this: pick up your phone, take some pictures and record the singer - OR you can just make a short movie with your phone - that will also work out well, and make my bank happy! And that's why I asked if Mr. Abdullah can sing.

So there is no reason not to trust me here! Have faith in me, get back on your horse, and get the job done!


Ok, her var jeg helt overbevist om at fyren ville bare slutte å svare. Men jaggu fikk jeg svar på dette også – vel og merke svar som ganske klart indikerte at han nå var drit lei hele greia:

”Get lost you fool. I would have shot you dead if you would be near me”

High five!! Vel vitende om at jeg aldri kommer til å høre fra fyren mer, måtte jeg likevel gi ham en siste avskjedsmelding:

Ok - then stop sending people shit like this! Seriously - do you think I for a second believed your stupid story?? Saddam Hussein’s money - and gold?
$ 5,5 mill?! Do you really think I am that stupid?! Don't underestimate people you are trying to scam - that might cost you a lot of wasted work, like - for instance, all your writings to me.

Fun for me though :p And as in matter in fact; I actually am in the music business for real - at least I used to be. I have learned one thing now: Answering people who think they will succeed in scamming is actually really entertaining! Thank you for that, and be careful in your fantasy war!


Etter dette har det vært stille. Maxwell og jeg har mistet kontakten. Synd det skulle ende slik, vi hadde det jo så fint til å begynne med!